Quick question...


New Member
My husband and I have just started our new saltwater aquarium (20 gal high) with 3 green cronis and 3 hermit crabs (added 2 days ago). Obviously, still cycling. We also have a couple of live rocks. Base is crushed coral and sand.
Someone has offered to give us some purple mushroom coral and some star polyps, as well as some live rock. We're not sure, however, if we can add the coral yet, or if we should wait. This 20 gal. tank will become the quarantine tank to the 150 gal. reef tank that we are starting in about a month. Hubby has had a successful freshwater tank in the past, but this is our first try with saltwater. We are planning to add our second batch (2 clowns and the cleaning crew) in a couple of weeks. So far, everything seems to be going great. 3rd batch will include some variety of tang that will eventually move into the big tank.
We'd welcome advise about the coral or anything else. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
how old is the tank???
what type of lighting???
what are the corals???
what are your water perameters???
what type of mechanical filtration???
what is yout turnover???
Slow down on the fish purchasing... in a 20 gal. IMO the 3 green chroms and maybe 1 clown and a clean up crew is more than enough... tang definitly wont do well AT ALL in a 20 gal...


Originally Posted by ruaround
Slow down on the fish purchasing... in a 20 gal. IMO the 3 green chroms and maybe 1 clown and a clean up crew is more than enough... tang definitly wont do well AT ALL in a 20 gal...
I agree on all accounts. Wait till larger tank is set up, and even then, let that cycle for a while.
Remember - getting a new fish is fun, but if you fill up your tank you cant get something cool if it shows up at the LFS (Does that make sense) What I mean is I like to have extra capacity incase something comes in that I just must have!


New Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
how old is the tank??? - Brand new. Set it up last weekend. Added Cronis and Hermit Crabs 2 days ago.

what type of lighting??? - 15 watt hood light

what are the corals??? - purple mushroom coral and star polyps

what are your water perameters??? - Not sure what you're asking

what type of mechanical filtration??? - Over the side filter

what is yout turnover??? - Not sure what you're asking

Slow down on the fish purchasing... in a 20 gal. IMO the 3 green chroms and maybe 1 clown and a clean up crew is more than enough... tang definitly wont do well AT ALL in a 20 gal...
Fish store guy (who, BTW, seems to be very knowledgable) said we could add 2 clowns in a couple of weeks, along with the cleaning crew. The tang is to come later, after the cyle has completed. He said the tang would do fine in the 20 gal. tank, since he'll be moved to the larger tank soon.


You need to slow down you are going a bit fast I you will experiece lost if you dont You need to wait till you get teh larger tank set up and cycled before you buy for that tank and your going to over load your little tank if you get more. Do reseach on what you need for corals they need specail lighting etc which I dont know if you have or not but your tank is still cycleing and corals need a cycled tank even fish do as well damcels will generally make it but most other fish will parish in a non cycled tank and coral & fish need to be added very slowly in SW tank very different from Fresh water tanks and you can not do as many fish as you can in FW tanks. take it slow and enjoy the ride for if you rush you will be flushing money down teh drain.


Active Member
If you set up your tank 2 weeks ago your tank hasnt cycled...
15 watts is not enough light for any type of coral...
water perameter... Amonia, NitrIte, NitrAte, pH, specific gravity or salinity
turnover is how many gallons per hour are your powerheads and mechanical filtration moving divided by your tank size...
JMO...the guy at the LFS will tell you whatever to make a buck, especially when there is someone willing to spend...


Active Member
Originally Posted by humeRme
I'm guessing the LFS stands for "Live Fish Store"?
Local Fish Store...


New Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
water perameter... Amonia, NitrIte, NitrAte, pH, specific gravity or salinity
turnover is how many gallons per hour are your powerheads and mechanical filtration moving...
Oh, OK. Well, as far as the perameter, hubby does all that testing. He stays on top of it. I'm not really in the know, but he tells me the numbers are great. pH had been slightly low, but all is worked out for now.
Don't know the turnover. We have one powerhead in addition to the filtration system.


The key elements in the cycle are Ammonia and Nitrites. Both are quite toxic to fish. Once your tank is cycled the Ammonia will be converted to Nitrites and then Nitrites to Nitrates. If there is any Ammonia or Nitrites then there should be no fish.
Also - did you purchase "live sand"


New Member
Originally Posted by PhoenixFla
The key elements in the cycle are Ammonia and Nitrites. Both are quite toxic to fish. Once your tank is cycled the Ammonia will be converted to Nitrites and then Nitrites to Nitrates. If there is any Ammonia or Nitrites then there should be no fish.
Hubby is all about the ammonia / nitrites / nitrates. Tells me all is well. He knows much more about that than I do (obviously).
Thanks for the links. We also bought a book that was suggested that he's been reading... Can't remember the name. I think it's something like "The Natural Aquariest".


Active Member
Turn over is number of times the volume of your tank (20) is divided into the total flow of all your filters/powerhead. 20 times is a good number to achieve. More for sps coral-like 30X.
Example-Filter is around 300gph and your power head is 100gph, then total flow is 400gph. The turnover rate is 400gph/20g=20 times per hour
HTH and good luck.