quick question



Originally Posted by natifishguy513
what's the deal with this it's like this for 2 wks now
ammonia -.25
nitrate - 5.0
How long has it been cycling total? Given two weeks, this seems normal IMO. I would expect the ammonia to be dropping off anytime now.


what is your water turn over rate? How much live rock do you have?( if any )and what did you do to start the cycle?
i got hardly any liverock due to the price and money is low and bills come first which sucks cuz i want to keep addin equipment etc..i used the sand from my old tank to start the cycle that i had saved when i shut it down..i got a emperor 400 and one penguin powerhead..i've had this tank filled and runnin for about 6 - 7 wks now so i dk..
i'm thinkin bout doin a 25 - 40 % water change 2marow and see if that helps things start droppin back to the norm..wat ya think
i did a water change late last nite hoping that it would help drop things into where they need to be.cuz this tank has been up an runin for almost 2 months now it should have cycled by now..help me i'm stumped with this.. my old saltwater tank cycled in just under a month's time i thought since i finally got a bigger tank that this would cycle about the same amount of time as the old tank.but guess not...here's the specs from the test i just did..
salinity - 1.023
temp - 80
ph -8.5
ammonia -.25
nitrite - .50
nitrate -5.0
here's the results from the previous test on 8/26
salinity- 1.024
temp - 80
ph - 8.8
ammonia - .50
nitrite - .25
nitrate - 3.0
it seems like everything is out of whack..
my specs
55 gallon
emperor 400 filter
penguin 550 power head
under 10 lbs of liverock (i'm starting to get growth on the rock finally)
4 inch live sand base from my old saltwater tank
protein skimmer