Quick question

Hello everyone, I have a quick question. I found a worm living in a piece of live rock. It resembles a bristleworm, but do bristleworms come out of their hole grab a piece of substrate and carry it back to their entrance? I was both spooked and mezmerized at the same time. Thanks!
Thanks for the quick reply. I'm not really sure what it is. It only comes out at night after I've fed my sun corals. It only extends its body far enough out of its hole to reach the bottom. It grabs a piece of substrate and in the blink of an eye its back in the hole. From what I can see he has antennas and is grayish in color. I wish I could get a picture of him. Kind of creepy.


Active Member
Yeah, I agree, it does sound like a peanut worm. They often have dark colored rings around it's body, if that helps some.


Active Member
I have worms that are doing the same thing. Did their tubes look something like this?


Active Member
I am still looking...closest thing I found was maybe a spaghetti worm but not quite. maybe bumping this thread will help with some more answers.