quick update on my 280


hi kaotik, no i cant have it built in because theres no access from behind to service the tank but it will have doors below and flap doors above , it will look as if it was built in

thanks for your reply.(rick)


well still waiting for ammonia to drop etc.
o well just a couple of pics.
of the rock ive added what do you guys think (i.d.) of whats on the lr (brown)



nice rick.
how much did you get that tank for ? just the tank and stand
theres a 400gallon for 2,400 at my LFS


i really really really like how you have a ton of sand showing.....what class of tank is this going to be??? reef...fowlr???


Active Member
That brown stuff covering your rock is brown diatoms. It is totally normal for a cycling tank. If it bugs you too much it comes off with a touch of a finger, but it will come right back for at least a couple of weeks. Hope this helps.
-Adam :happyfish


that's the siznit i wish i had the money to get a big tank like that. it looks real nice


Active Member
Im really impressed with the filtration and the plumbing. Not to mention the tank!! Very awesome. You should be very proud of it. Todd


thats a really nice looking tank and your doing exactly what i want corals and tangs!!! Cant wait tell you get some fish and corals in it. With that size tank your gonna be able to do some amazing aquascaping


exile, ill make tis very quick( making sure the wife is not behind me) all up incl. ro outside the house and a 1000lts salt water tank. $5500.00 aus$ what the hell we only live once!
thanks for the reply guys, and thanks todd for your support keep up your good work! where are u itchy? (missing in action?)
ps i hope my tank doesent retard with the live rock) lol. :D


hi exile, i was thinking of a pair of clowns or a few chromis? :thinking:
ammonia starting to drop today!

nemo lover

Is that brown stuff on your rock hard or soft?
The tank looks great, the l/r looks great too. I see the design your going for and like it alot. Isn't it funny when we start mentioning prices we all look over our shoulder to make sure our others not around.
Hey rick off topic my husband and I are going to Austriallia for our fifth anniversary, we are only going for two weeks. He wants to go see the croc hunter, and I the great barrier reef. Besides that what are some of the most amazing sites to see there?


hi nemo, well you guys are of to a good start, the reef such a nice place, the top end is great, but if you can squeeze in western aust. places like broome its top shelf! and never crowded.(youll most likely become an aussie mate!!!!!!! and we will be stuck with you :thinking: lol. love to have you guys here! and sea some of our back yard! :D (rick)
ps. that stuff on the rocks its soft, i hope it spreads. :happy:


hi everybody, just a couple of pics.(dont know about quality) but here we go! a few little inmates in the 280.(rick) :D



thanks exile (i cant wait either) just a bit more$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
that should fix the problem hey? :hilarious (rick)


Active Member
Its a great feeling isnt it!! Congrats man!. I ordered a new Flame angel to replace my fallen Angel last night.! Cant wait for her to get here. SWF.Com had them on sale for 29 $ .Damn good price. And of course had to order a few more things, to get up to the free shipping mark! :eek: . Great job on the tank! kep those pics coming!


thats great news todd, make sure you post some pics hey! do they sale money making machines up your way? if so how do you feed them? i want one