quick ?


Active Member
If you could not get MH, what would be your next choice? It cannot hang from the ceiling. I want to start a reef, and would like Mh with legs, or fans. I have a bow 24" and am having a hard time finding aqua space lights. What will you suggest? VHO or PC?


Active Member
IMO, the light quality on both is about the same. However, if your tank is only 24" long I'd go with PC. IMO, PC is easier to wire and fit over small tanks and VHO is easier over longer tanks. If you go with PC, be sure you get true actinic bulbs, not the ones that just have a blue filter to make it LOOK like actinic.


right. I went with the coralife pc's on my 20 and I really liked it. They stand on legs.


Is the only reason that you can't get MH's is because of the mounting dilemma?


Active Member
well yes I guess that is why, the mounting dillema. I don't know alot about different lights. I know more about mh then the other types. I can"t hang the lights from the ceiling. So the lights will have to sit over my glass tank, which has a glass cover on it. Which I know will be hot, and lower the oxygen exchange near the top of my tank. I just want to keep a reef, and I usually buy the best that I can afford. I have been saving for good lights. I have a 46 bow, that is 24 inches. thanks for the help all,


would it be possbiel to hang the light from brackets on the wall? that is what i did with my MH..i just used shelving brackets screwed intot he studs and also added some pulleys to make tank maint. easier.


Active Member
That is a great idea, but yeah it is impossible. First my mom would kill me. Second the walls it is up against are walls that go to the outside of my house. So I can't do that. So I need another idea. Any suggestions are more then welcome. I would like Mh, but they would have to be 24" and be able to sit on my tank.
thanks all,


Mine is kinda like Fishtanker's, only I didn't have studs where I needed them. It's only 4 screws in the wall...


Active Member
As said, hanging the fixture on the wall or ceiling requires just a few holes to be drilled. These holes can be very easily filled in later, if that is what your mom's worried about. Of course, I realize you aren't who we need to convince, but your mom. Also, drilling into a load bearing wall isn't a big deal either, you just may need a masonry drill bit.


Active Member
those look wonderful!!!! You are right they have a nice look to them as well. My tank in backed up into a corner. So I would not be able to hang it on a nice pice of wood with hooks like you guys have done. That is a great idea. I am not trying to be difficult, I just don't have alot of room to work with. Otherwise, I don't think that my mom would have mined 4 screws. thanks for the great ideas guys!!!!! Got anymore????


There are a ton of DIY projects that would allow you to use MH lights, ranging from a self made TALL hood to hide the lights (and house some cheap, low power fans, like pc cooling fans), to a pipe that has "arms" or "legs" that run down to the top of the tank. How shabby these look depends on how much inovation (and money) you have (but you could do both very nicely and relatively cheap).


Active Member
I could DIY. I haven't thought of that. I guess that is the direction I am heading. Now in my spare time perhaps I can create something.

tony detroit

Active Member
You could get HQI's in a hood, the hood is only 2 or 3 inches tall and they're equivalent to halides. You can set the hood right on your tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by Leopard_babe
I could DIY. I haven't thought of that. I guess that is the direction I am heading. Now in my spare time perhaps I can create something.

That's the spirit!:yes:


Active Member
Actually I have found a light that can sit on my tank. That sounds like it will work. If not, then I will see you in the DIY forum.


Here is a pic to show how I did my Halides in a corner without hanging anything from the wall or ceiling.


Wow, Thanks for asking this question Leopard. I've been looking for a way to mount my lights, and will do exactly what these guys did. I too have a 47 gal 24" tank. I have 2 Coralife PC's one single 50/50 6000 acetic blue bulb, and a 4 x 96 . I put them on blocks on top of the tank temporarily while I figured out what to do.
Tizzo, "My compliments" Nice looking!