Quickrete Play Sand is fine for tank?


hey jastim- how smooth did putting it in your tank go? has your water cleared up? thanks :cool:


Good question jeo. It was a real pain in the a@#. I will tell you what I did then tell you what I would do differently.
I took out the rock then removed the cc with a cup. I then started adding the sand a bit at a time. When I realized how cloudy the water was going to get I caught all the fish and put them in a 5g bucket with water from the tank. I then proceeded to put the rest of the 200lbs of sand in the tank. I tried to put it in as carefully as I could but the tank water looked like a mud bath! It took a long time for the water to clear enough for me to put the fish back in to where I thought it was safe.
What I would do differently: Put fish in clean container with tank water (with heater and air stone). Siphon all water from the tank into a large, clean trash can. Take out the cc. Put in the sand. Slowly pump the water back into the tank. Put fish back in tank after water is allowed to clear (maybe an hour to two).
Anyway, it has been 24 hours now and the tank is still cloudy but not too bad. I think in another 24 hours it will be completely clear. Fish are doing great. I was a little worried about them last night.
Live and learn I guess. :rolleyes:
I couldn't believe my luck in finding that sand. I bought about twice as much as I needed so if I start up another tank I will have some. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


New Member
I've used quikcrete playsand with great success for over a year. Home depot in Florida doesn't carry it anymore nor do they carry Southdown. They carry a playsand from BONSAI. I have no idea if this is anygood...has anyone used it?


I'm in the process of finding out if the Bonsai sand is any good. I have one bag in an 18g rubbermaid tub with some lr from my tank and some cc in a mesh bag. I"ll be moving the tank in just over a week and changing to the dsb from cc. I'll let everyone know how it works out.
I don't have quickrete, but I do have the white playsand from Home Depot. It's made by Paragon Industries, I believe, and it is silica. I didn't buy the quickrete because I wasn't too fond of the color. I really am happy with the other stuff, though..... it is a nice white color. I also rinsed it before I put it in my tank. It clouded the tank for a few days. I also seeded it with 30 lbs of live sand. It only cost me $3.89/#50 lbs. A lot cheaper than buying sand from the lfs.


I was just gonna let you know I went to Lowes yesterday and bought 250#'s of quick crete play sand for my 75gal, the sand down here looks like
regular looking brown tint play sand.
I'll let you know how it comes.


what do you guys think about rinsing the Southdown sand? it has such fine grains as it is i'm not sure this would be a good idea... let me know what you think ;)


I got my quick crete in my tank today.
One thing I noticed is that there was a oily something in my sand, I couldn't smell it but it put a oily film all over the top of the water.
So far so good not including the oil, it looks good in my tank so far, even though it's still clouded in there


jeo: For what it's worth I didn't wash the Southdown I got. I thought about it but thought that might make a bigger mess. Besides finding a strainer that small might be difficult. Didn't figure it was worth it. Haven't had any problems. The water completely cleared in about a day and a half and has been clear since.