quickrete play sand?


the local HD didnt have southdown but they had quickrete play sand 60 pound bags for $3. Anyone used this?

nm reef

Active Member
yup...I confess. I've used it to establish sand beds in my refugium...and it is mixed in with several types of aragonite in my fish only system. The color is a bit brownish but it is effective.
Personally I prefer the Caribsea line of reef sands and Natures Ocean...but Quickcrete will work.:cool:


Anyone know where to get southdown in the NH/MA area without paying $30 a bag at a lfs?? Ive found the quickrete and amstone and some stuff made in maine...


I just added a little bit of quickcrete playsand on top of my caribsea arag-alive aragonite. To be honest, I don't see much difference. Its a little greyer/darker than the caribsea but not much. It is much finer than the caribsea stuff except it has some larger particles in it. The only drawback is that without the aragonite the quickcrete will not aid in tank buffering. Just my 2 cents....


I used the play sand on the very bottom of my sand bed. I put in 50lbs. and buried it under 3 inches of aragonite and live sand. I have not had any problems and I have not seen the stuff since.