Quit Smoking!!!!!


Active Member
Maybe a little incentive here . . . look at it this way, in michigan at least, smokes are 5 bucks a pack, and at a pack a day, thats at least $35 a week. I quit smoking (used the patch and HIGHLY reccomend it, plus the dreams are AMAZING!!!) and used the money to start my tank. I have been a non-smoker for almost a year now, and i have a pretty nice set up going that i sorta consider free.:)


My wife and I just quit 4 days ago and I have some more incentive. We like to throw partys a lot and a lot of our friends are smokers. We moved in to a new house and had a party,well my fishtank is in a finished basement were a lot of us were hanging out playing cards-I let them smoke in the house. Within 2 days my tang was so sick I had to put him in a sick tank for 2 weeks! I thought he would die-it took him 4 days to eat! I learned my lesson and thank god he lived but I have never had any problems with my tank other than that and I am sure it was from everybody smoking in such a confined area next to the tank. Now, everybody smokes outside!


Sadly I'm the one that started this post and I haven't been able to quit. I did however buy some patches last week. I haven't worn them yet because I'm still not ready. Hours have been cut at my job, I was expecting a new position but because of the economy was denied and am now afraid my wife will get laid off. :( I hope that others have been more succesfull with quiting.


striker- I know how you feel. I got laid off 3 months ago and my wife's company is on shaky ground right now. We bought our "dream house" a little over a year ago and now everything is in question as she is actually the main "breadwinner" I am an electrician so I do find a lot of side jobs but she is in computers and in the automotive industry so it could be trouble. However, she is a 2 pack a day smoker and has gone the last 4 days without a smoke with the patch. I have had 2-also with the patch. Hopefully it continues. Good luck!

Originally posted by EelfreakRobi
I was about to mention that in the new year resolution thread, I dont smoke but I love the idea of everyone joining to stop, sounds real good, and good luck to all, I belive in you guys!

Totoally agreeed with eel. My dad still smokes tho, i try to convince him but its hard.. He even tells me..


That's a great start. One or two days without smoking is an accomplishment. It shows you that you can live a normal life without a drag. Good luck with the employment issues. Hopefully the economy will sustain this small upward trend.
I quit smoking for a year in 1999 when my father picked me up some cigars from Cuba. The cigars helped in the beginning and after 4 weeks I was completely smokeless. In 2000 my father passed away and I started smoking once again. Quitting now is ten times harder than last time. Hopefully I'll be able to eventually get rid of this nasty habit once and for all.


I dunno - its hard, you need lots of support - either internal or external...I've "quit", but stil have the occasional under stress, or drinking ;)
My trick - my wife, she gets sooo upset, its just not worth it.
Need incentive? Watch "the Insider" - want to talk about an EVIL, GREEDY, COrupt industry - call Mr. Phillip Morris and Mr. RJ Renolyds...