Qustion Regarding U tubes and overflow


Just finished filling my tank and doing water changes with my RO/DI filter I'd like to know what do you do with the water inside it??
do you open each canister and empty the water??
Or just leave the water in there
I have a 5 stage RO/DI


There has to be water in the U-tube otherwise no siphon
So I'm not sure what you mean.
The siphon was already started with no bubbles in the U-tubes
I'd like to know how to prevent it???

david s

leve the water in the ro unit some say if the small top can filter dries out it can damage it. I just shut mine off and have no problem with it.
If you mean a overflow If you have enuff flow the bubles will pass thru it. If not you can hook it to a powerhead with a piece of air tubing