R.I.P. Dr. Suess


Active Member
My favorite fish was found this morning, dead under the rocks. We had him over 3 years so I don't know if this was just old age or what. Everything and all the other fish are fine, but of course I will run tests to be sure. He will be missed.



Active Member
My LMB died around 4 years, It was always healthy and I considered it due to age as well. I dont know for sure but from some research it seems a lot of the Gobies and Blennies have reletive short lifespands compared to other species.
I wish you nice memories and sorry for the loss.


Active Member
I am very sorry for the loss. Lawn mower blennies are incredibly fun and friendly fish. My lawn mower blenny just died recently, after having him about 3 years and a few months.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Dogstar and lion-crazz that makes me feel somewhat better..I did'nt realize they had short lifespans. I guess I have heard of people keeping clowns and mandarins for 10 years and figured they were the same. I also could'nt bring myself to throw him away or flush him so I buried him under my biggest tree. I am so bummed...I have been worthless today... looking at a pile of paperwork.