R.I.P. Schultz


Active Member
On Tuesday night, I could not figure out why there were helicopters hovering above my house. This is why - http://www.newjerseynewsroom.com/state/schultz-gloucester-twp-k-9-police-dog-killed-in-action-suspect-partner-in-custody. Apparently, two morons decided to rob a Chinese restaurant and fled on foot. Police dogs tracked the suspects and the dog latched onto one suspect. The suspect managed to fling the dog into traffic where the dog was hit and killed by oncoming traffic. The suspect was hit by the car that hit Schultz. It was extremely said to see the officers mourning the loss of Schultz as the flag draped coffin was loaded into the ambulance. The suspect is going to be charged for Schultz's death as well.
R.I.P. Schultz


Active Member
I thought you were talking about Charles at first and I was thinking he died years ago!