R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)


He looks fine, bright colors, stripe is yellow not discolored at all. But he is moving very slow and keeps moving to the rock and just laying there. Doesn't want to move, won't come out for food like normal. What's up? Any ideas?
Tank is 3 months old, Tang has been w/ me 3 weeks.


Active Member
Check your water levels first. Try changing the food to sometinhg different.
Do you have an seaweed clip with dried seaweed? My tangs all go nuts over that.
Also - your fish may have been captured using cyanide, which means it may not survive.


Water levels were perfect, 0's accross the board and ph @ 8.2, Kh took 12 drops.
The other fish looks fine, Lawnmower Blenny. CBS, Crabs and snails are all happy.
Please, any ideas?


The Yellow Tang died today. Now this has gone from just wanting to know whats happening to NEEDING to know.
What other tests can/should I be running? I'm doing Nitrate / Nitrite / Ammonia / Kh / High Ph.
Every thing is coming back great:
Nitrate = 0
Nitrite = 0
Ammonia = 0
Kh = 12 drops
High Ph = 8.2
Please help, I really don't want to see another fish die.


Sorry about the loss. I read that bacterial infection is a cause of fish having bloating stomach. I think ich will not cause bloating.