R.I.P. (Yellow Tang, looks sick....)


He looks fine, bright colors, stripe is yellow not discolored at all. But he is moving very slow and keeps moving to the rock and just laying there. Doesn't want to move, won't come out for food like normal. What's up? Any ideas?
Tank is 3 months old, Tang has been w/ me 3 weeks.


i have noticed that when my fish act like that i increase the air to the tankand within the hour they seem to perk up. might be worth a try


Just did a 10g water change and am testing the water right now (have to run to my LFS for this). Will update w/ levels in a little while.
All I have for air is what comes thru the Protein Skimmer, not a lot but I thought this was enough? Should I add an air line to one of my Power Heads?
I was about to add my newest, a Naso, but I've decided to hold off until I find out what's going on.


Active Member
There are alot of reasons this could happen.
As far as air is concerned; is your powerhead making ripples on the top of the water? This is where air comes from.
You have two damsels? In my opinion this is not a good idea. The are very teritorial when other fish are present.
let us know on the water test.
It may be a good idea to put the guy in a hostptal tank if you have one. If not keep a close eye on him.


Active Member
Dad has a point. If your tang is small (mine is not) he may be getting harassed by your (evil twins) damsels. I have six damsels but all of my important fish are larger and don't tolerate their beligerence. I did have a chromis that was haraased to death in two days though.


The "evil twins" were 1" and 3/4", the Tang is 2 1/2". Either way they are no longer an issue, as they have been taken back to my LFS.
Water was perfect: Amonia/Nitrates/Nitrites= 0's, PH= 8.2, Kh= 12 drops. I've been adding "Kent" Calcium something or other for a week (2times a week) and have been using something to raise the water hardness (clear tub about 20oz w/ a white top and purple label, don't remember the name) for 2 weeks.
The 301 Power Heads are both submereged comletely, the 402 has an open air line and is running the Protein Skimmer. I have a BioWheel 170 that is rippling the water surface.
I had Ammo Chips and Carbon in the 301's (taken out today) and replaced the sponges. Also had the carbon sponge thing in the BioWheel (also taken out today).
I had my LFS test a "pre-water-change" sample as well as a "post-water-change" sample and both were perfect, the 'post' needed one more drop to get the Kh right (12post vs 11pre).
I'm at a total loss right now, the Blenny looks happy and the new Juv Naso looks very happy, although he like to play hide and seek. Everyone got a dinner of live brine tonight, I'll update in the AM.


You have a 48 gallon tank with a yellow tang, and you were about to add a Naso? Tangs need alot more swimming room than you can offer in a 48 gallon. If your info at the bottom of your post is correct and you do have a 48 gallon, I would suggest you reconsider adding the Naso. Just my $.02.


The Yellow Tang died today. Now this has gone from just wanting to know whats happening to NEEDING to know.
What other tests can/should I be running? I'm doing Nitrate / Nitrite / Ammonia / Kh / High Ph.
Every thing is coming back great:
Nitrate = 0
Nitrite = 0
Ammonia = 0
Kh = 12 drops
High Ph = 8.2
Please help, I really don't want to see another fish die.


Did you see any of the tell-tale-signs of ick? How are your other fish looking? My yellow tank had ick a few weeks back, but some garlic and a few fresh water dips later...all gone.


Active Member
sorry to hear the loss.
My guess would be that it wasn't healthy to begin with when you bought it.
This happens often for many different reasons.
When I buy a fish, it takes me hours of watching it in the lfs.
Again:sorry to hear the loss.