R/O correct PPM


I just purchases a TDS meter and checked my R/O water. The meter indicates the parameters are 014 PPM. Is the number ok to start filling the reef with or are they too high. I have no idea what the highest PPM can be before it causes problems in the reef water.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
Ideally you want to have 0. 14 is a little hight but still ok IMO to fill a tank. If you were to get a DI unit, you should have close to 0PPM.


Thanks airforce.
This is a whole house unit I have. It may not be as efficient as an R/O system made specifically for salt water tanks.


Active Member
When's the last time you changed the filters on your RO unit??? Should be getting a 0 reading......What is your reading before you run it through the RO unit?