R/O h20


I've heard that a R/O unit will have a lot of waste water going down the drain. Does anyine know how much water is wasted in the process? Is there any use for the waste water?
I'm trying to figure out if it's cheaper to just by R/O h20 instead of processing it at the house. I can but R/O h2o for $.33/ gal.


Active Member
I do not know the exact amount of waste water but I would guess at saying you keep about 1/3 of the water used. I have my unit hooked up next to my washer and dryer. I have thought about running my waste water into the washer and using it to wash clothes, you can also use it to water plants or something like that.
My RO/DI wastes about 4times the water it cleans. After reading posts, the long term costs seem to be cheaper when buying your own system.
I wonder if you could rig the waste water to be re-pressurized by say an electric air pump(like you fill car tires with) and put the waste water through the system again? I don't know if you can do that or not. Do any experts have input?:confused: