R/o Question


New Member
I will be investing in a cora life r/o unit 50 gallon per day II Stage. From what I read the membrane cannot be kept dry or it will be ruined. I don't plan on using it all the time ( hook it up to the sink when needed for water changes, top offs etc.) because I will only have a 24 gallon nano cube, So what is the proper way to store it after you have removed it from the faucet until you are ready to use it again? Do you have to keep these things attached to the faucet with the water on to keep them moist? Thanks in advance for any info/experiance you can provide me.


hmm..dont know..but why you doin the coralife RO??? you can do an airwaterice reefkeeper compact for about 160 and have RO, DI, and TDS meter


No no no as long as the filter is used the membrane will be fine :) I assume you will be using the filter at least on a weekly basis and that is fine. It really means if you make water once every 5-6 months or so then your membrane will rupture and you dont want that. BTW I run the same unit and you will love it.