R.O. unit from Sams?


Does anyone have an opinion about the 5-stage R.O. system w/TDS monitor that Sams has for about $180? It's a model RO-TFM.


Active Member
Well no one else will answer so I will. I have a RO unit from Cotsco, cost about the same amount. It seems to work fine for me. I am also very happy with it because insted of buying the water from the store all I have to do is walk over to one of the jugs and pour it in the tank.
TDS = Total Dissoled Solids. Do a google search to find out what that is. Too many people call me an idiot when I try and describe something.


well, thank you for your reply! I don't think you sounded like an idiot!
Also, I think I'm getting the one from Sams the very next time I'm near there.