R/O water storage???


I first off want to say my hats off to all the people on this site, I am new to this board and am amazed at the pride people take in there tanks, it makes me feel good to know people take this hobby serious, and some of the tanks are out of this world, to bad there wasn't some kind of contest to show off tanks, but then how could you pick, there would be to many winners. Anyway, the question, storage of R/O water, I have read about storeing it in plastic containers, with or without watermovement, if it is stored for a week at a time in a cool dark place with no movement, let's say 25 gallons, how does it effect the water? Does the water become unpure again? I am trying to figure out the best way to store some water. Thanks to everyone on here, reading all your threads is very informative, and very educational. :cheer:


Active Member
Welcome to the board logger850. If it's stored in a clean container that does not leach anything it will not become impure again. I think it is best to keep some water movement but I don't see it as necessary. You can also keep a heater in there so come topoff or water change time it's up to temp.
I use a 30g rubber made trash can... works really well for me.


do you mix the salt in ahead of time or just leave it as fresh water and add salt to it before a water change?


Active Member
I leave it as fresh water because I also use that water for top offs. When water change time comes I mix that in a separate container.