R U thinking about geting a Nano


Okay so I went by the LFS today and he showed me the new JBJ 28G Cube. Man I was 6 months early on geting a tank. Hands down for the money and the options this - in my opinion - is the one to get. You can easily fix the overflow compartment to be a refugium, two heads and all the light you will ever need (under the canopy). This thing is SWEET.
Okay I know this is just my opinion but check out the link.
Sorry if this posting has already been done before by other members. But this thing is SWEET.
Oh if any one want to by one or both of my cubes I'm game. Did I say this thing is sweet?


A popular online bid site has some for around $500 my LFS wanted just under $600. But if you take into account the price to retro a 29G BioCube you will be north of this price by a few hundred. I know I am.


definitly looks like a great tank. I just have a 14 gal. BC with stock lighting and find no problems with it so I would imagine this would just be pure reefer heaven!! I love the wave maker. Definitly going to have to upgrade if there is a price drop!