Raccoon and Longnose together?


I was wondering about putting adding a Longnose butterfly to my tank but was wondering if he would get along with my Raccoon butterfly that i already have. Does anyone know how they will do together? :notsure:


Originally Posted by Sherms
I was wondering about putting adding a Longnose butterfly to my tank but was wondering if he would get along with my Raccoon butterfly that i already have. Does anyone know how they will do together? :notsure:

depends on size of tank, live rock content, and size of the raccoon butterfly already in tank.
recommendation is one butterfly per tank. may fight each other if too small. but i have several types of gobies in my tank right now . they get along fine.


my tank is 92gal with roughly 150 to 200lbs of lr my raccoon is medium size and if i got the longnose i would get the same size as possible to the raccoon.