Rack Question?


Active Member
I was wondering what Kind of magnet can I go buy in order to use it on my frag rack? Wanting a magnet on the side racks so I can move them as needed to clean the glass...
Someone tell me!

nano reefer

Active Member
i am sure you can go to a craft store and buy some any old magnets, glue one to the frag rack, and get the other ones on some form of handle. you could put 2 magnets on the rack, and then 2 on a popsicle stick to move it.


You can also use a Mag Float and glue your egg crate to it. This way, the rack can be positioned anywhere you like.


you will have to coat the magnets (especially neodymium magnets) in epoxy and cure before you put them in the tank. they are made of ferris metals and will corrode really fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkzimms
you will have to coat the magnets (especially neodymium magnets) in epoxy and cure before you put them in the tank. they are made of ferris metals and will corrode really fast.

I have been using these for almost a year without coatings. No corrosion present.


Active Member
Best, strongest and simplest I use, and I have tryed many different kinds, is the Algae free magnets for the Maxijet powerheads. By the time you buy and experiment with different home store kinds and trying to make them saltwater safe, strong enough for most glass thickness, these you would have bought 2 times over.


Active Member
lol thanks ppl. Kinda finsihed these racks a while back! But I thanks for the heads up since I took the rack out that I used mags with..
Thanks peeps


i know ur done but this is my first attempt at a frag rack not a cheap as i thought it would be but. still it does its job