Racoon B/F is freaking out, HELP!

I have a racoon b/f that has been doing pretty good in my 125g for about 3 weeks now. He eats nori and seaweed selects like a champ(still trying to get him to eat squid, frozen brine, etc, but no luck yet), and looks pretty good. But all of a sudden tonight, after I fed the fish(1 medium naso tang, 1 4-5" juv emperor, a green chromis, and a blue damsel) the b/f started just flipping out so

that I thought it was having a heartattack or something. I have never see any animal herk and jerk about so wildly, he just kept swimming into the rocks and glass hitting into them all the time and just basically loosing it mentally. After about 2 minutes of this extreme thrashing, he kept coming down slowly until he was back to normal again. But then about an hour or two latter he did it again. Just flipping out and acting very very scared and like he was dying or something. At one point, he actually rammed himself into some rocks and just layed there for about a minute and then started flying around the tank again. None of the other fish seem to care about this crazy behavior and they are perfectly fine, so it is not the water. The only thing I can think of is that my juv emperor bite him and just made him loose it. But there are no visible signs of damage on the b/f so I don't really know if that happened. I have had this tank running for about 8 months now and have come to expect the unexpected, but this just took the cake and it worries me. He is alright right now, but who knows what the heck is going to happen next. If anyone has any info regarding the b/f's strange behavior, I would appreciate it. I have seen a fish get really scared, but nothing like this, it was very scary for me and the fish as well. Maybee b/f's freak out and go crazy when they are scared instead of playing dead and hiding in the rocks like my naso and emperor. Thanks, Jollygreen


man ive never heard of anything like that. i dont have any idea except that every fish is different, and maybe he dont wanna be in a glass box. sorry i couldnt help, maybe you could repost this in the disease/treatment forum.
Just thought I would let everyone know that the racoon b/f was found dead head down this morning, so you don't have to worry about why he was freaking out, he was dying. End of story. I have no idea why he died, but it might have been starvation, that's my only guess. Jollygreen


Active Member
man, thats a bummer. i was thinking that kinda sounded like poisoning, but all of the fish would have died. i dont think it was starvation, when a fish starves, it usually just slowly withers away. man this is weird, maybe it had a worm/parasite in it. im not an expert on this stuff, so maybe someone else can clear it all up. sorry about your lose. bo


Active Member
Sorry jolly but then we all have a fish from time to time that just suddenly goes south and does it so fast we can't try to fix it. Actually of Butterflies the Racoon is one of my favorites for being hardy if you really enjoyed it you might try again I think the odds would favor you.