Racoon Butterflyfish



would anyone risk putting a Raccoon Butterflyfish in a 75g tank with some SP just to get rid of aptaisa? Did I mention that I also have a small niger trigger? I know this may not be a good combination but my friend at my lfs said it would help with the aptasia of course he said it would be a lower risk than a Cooperband.
I feel that I'm in a no win situation because I love my trigger (he's beautiful
) so I don't want to take him out, I bought a peppermint but can't find him. I'm just trying to get a permenant fix on this without buying joe's juice. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance


Active Member
all that sounds fine .. even the tank size .. but the only thing I'm worried about is the tankmates .. particularly one tank mate .. your trigger might bother the butterfly .. if the trigger was put in after the butterfly had already established its territory than maybe yes .. but not in this case I wouldn't do it


LOL yeah that's what I figured but my friend said that the Racoon Butterflyfish would fair a better chance of surviving because of his size. That particular one that he has is a lot bigger than my Trigger