Racoon Chases Heniochus


New Member
My Racoon Butterfly Is Chasing My Heniochus All Over The Tank, I Believe He Has Killed The Past Two Heniochus. He Picks On Them Until A Bacterial Infection Kills Them. The Racoon Is Really Small (1.5 Inch) Compared To The Heniochus (3 Inch). They Are The Only Butterflys In My Tank And The Racoon Has Been There Since 3 Months. Im New In This And I Relly Want To Have The Heniochus. I Will Apreciate Every Single Comment And Advice Very Much. I Do Have A Q.t. Where I Can Put One Of Them For A While. But I Really Dont Know Whats The Best For Them. My Tank Is A 180 G.


Active Member
First off, wow, I can't imagine how long it took to make a post like that.
I see you said you have a QT. Do you use for the new Heni's and practice proper QT before you add them to the tank? Is the QT established or just an empty sitting tank?
If you've already added the Heni to the 180, yes indeed remove the racoon to the QT for a while, 3-4 weeks would be my estimate.


I agree, removing the raccoon for a little while is your best bet at keeping the Heniochus from being picked on.


Active Member
Sounds like proper introductions are in order.
Racoon Butterfly, this is Toilet Bowl. Toilet Bowl, this is Racoon Butterfly.
Jus' kiddin'...kinda. But sounds like putting the racoon in QT (time out) would be your best bet. Put the heni's in the 180 and let them establish dominance first. Then if that doesn't work, try Plan A.


New Member
I Think Ill Leave Plan A For Later...and What I Did Is That I Q.t. My Heni First And Already Put Him In The 180 And Had To Move Every Single Rock Out Of The Tank To Get The Racoon Out...took Me Like 2 Hours. Done! Heni In 180...racoon Again In Ocean. I Think He Should Be There By Now. Haaa! Just Kidding...hes In The Qt And Will Be There For 3 Weeks..... With Donkey Ears Of Course. Thanks Guys!