Ragged Fins


Hi everyone,
We're 3 weeks into hypo salination to remove ich from our dt and up recently everything seemd fine. Yesterday wee noticed out sailfin tang's dorsel fin looks a bit ragged. It had always been very smooth. We don't know what to make of this. Here are the specifics and a pic.
80 gal tank fish only (because of hypo)


Active Member
Is the tang the only fish in the tank? If not what else do you have and have you noticed any aggression? If the sailfin had ich, it may well be a secondary bacterial infection which can erode the fins. Antibiotiic therapy may be in order. What type of filtration are you running in this tank? Certain antibiotics will harm your biofiltration.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Is the tang the only fish in the tank? If not what else do you have and have you noticed any aggression? If the sailfin had ich, it may well be a secondary bacterial infection which can erode the fins. Antibiotiic therapy may be in order. What type of filtration are you running in this tank? Certain antibiotics will harm your biofiltration.
Besiudes the Tang there are 2 clownfish and 9 demselsl. The only agressions are taken out on the damsels. No one messes with the tang.
We are running 2 emporer 400 filters.


Originally Posted by johndodd
Besiudes the Tang there are 2 clownfish and 9 demselsl. The only agressions are taken out on the damsels. No one messes with the tang.
We are running 2 emporer 400 filters.
The tang will show ill effects of hypo before the clown and damsels. Keep a close eye on the situation. What kind of damsels are they? All can be nasty but certain ones can be worse. You would have to sit and watch them. They are "sneak attackers" as well. By that I mean that you will not see the attack if you just glance at them once in awhile. They don't stalk, they attack when the fish is in their territory. Being that you removed the rock you also removed their territories. I did not see any redness on the fins in the pick. If there is redness then it may be bacterial. If it is just torn fins then I would have to say the damsels are attacking when you are not looking.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I did not see any redness on the fins in the pick. If there is redness then it may be bacterial. If it is just torn fins then I would have to say the damsels are attacking when you are not looking.
Actually, there does not have to be redness to be indicative of a bacterial infection. Ragged or deteriorating fins are a symptom bacterial infections. The redness would show up at the base of the fin or on the body, ang not on the fin itself. It might be the damsels, but given the history you provide, I'm thinking secondary infection.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Actually, there does not have to be redness to be indicative of a bacterial infection. Ragged or deteriorating fins are a symptom bacterial infections. The redness would show up at the base of the fin or on the body, ang not on the fin itself. It might be the damsels, but given the history you provide, I'm thinking secondary infection.
Hey nicetry! I am seeing little chunks missing from the dorsal of this fish. We will have to wait for the poster's response on this one.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Actually, there does not have to be redness to be indicative of a bacterial infection. Ragged or deteriorating fins are a symptom bacterial infections. The redness would show up at the base of the fin or on the body, ang not on the fin itself. It might be the damsels, but given the history you provide, I'm thinking secondary infection.
There is redness around the eyes, a lot more visible today. We watch the tank quite a bit and the damsels just chase each other and thge clowns chase trhe damsels as well but no one messes with the tang. Here is a pic of the red spots. They weren't nearly so visible yesterday.


Originally Posted by Beth
Could it be harrassment. Some of this look like ripped fins.
No I don't think so. Did you see the red spots around the eyes? Some have suggested it may be bacterial but didn't say what to do. They wanted to know about my filtration system?


Based on the pictures that you have provided, I am going with harassment (there are obvious chunks missing from his dorsal fin) along with a secondary bacterial infection. Did he have those pieces missing from his fin when you got him? There is only one way to get rid of aggression, that is to remove the aggressors. They are the damsels. If you honestly don't think that it is them then you will know in time. Bacterial infections can be fought off with a strong immune system. Keep the water conditions prestine. Add vitamines and fresh garlic to the food. What do you feed him?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Based on the pictures that you have provided, I am going with harassment (there are obvious chunks missing from his dorsal fin) along with a secondary bacterial infection. Did he have those pieces missing from his fin when you got him? There is only one way to get rid of aggression, that is to remove the aggressors. They are the damsels. If you honestly don't think that it is them then you will know in time. Bacterial infections can be fought off with a strong immune system. Keep the water conditions prestine. Add vitamines and fresh garlic to the food. What do you feed him?
Can you tell me more about adding garlic and vitamins? I am currently feeding Formula Two Flakes.


Well-Known Member
Can you tell me more about adding garlic and vitamins? I am currently feeding Formula Two Flakes.
Formula Two Flakes are insufficient for a tang like that. Feed plenty of meaty foods and greens. I use Formmula Two (frozen) plus sheets of nori and "Sea Veggies". Flake food just isn't nutritionally dense enough for fish kept at the temperatures of a captive marine tank.


Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Formula Two Flakes are insufficient for a tang like that. Feed plenty of meaty foods and greens. I use Formmula Two (frozen) plus sheets of nori and "Sea Veggies". Flake food just isn't nutritionally dense enough for fish kept at the temperatures of a captive marine tank.

Thank you. I forgot to mention that we do give them sheets of sea weed As well. I'll go get new food for him today. Still curious about the garlic and vitamins though.


Active Member
please post alkalinity and pH .
alkalinity can drop to zero VERY quickly when the SG is lowered for hypo.
this can harm and kill.