Rainbow Vacuum Cleaners....

tx reef

Active Member
Anyone ever heard of them or own one? I had a demonstration (a favor for a couple we know so they could get a free shampoo attachment) tonight and want to know if they are worth the money.
I was pretty impressed, but I never buy on impulse....


Active Member
Cheaper to just buy new carpet for your home. Do the math. They are good but outrageously expensive.
Dyson makes a good one for a fraction of the price


we have one, they're great. they pick up alot of the dust. my mom and i would go to peoples houses to do a demo, and we would go inside and just feel how heavier the air was inside. and we would ask them if they had just vaccumed and they would say yes. and its those vaccums that use the bags that are really bad, since the bags have little holes to let the air out. and threw those tiny holes go the tiniest dust stuff and the finer the dust the worse its for the us.
anywayz they are great


Active Member
Man, those rainbow's are like a couple grand if I remember..... I have the Dyson Animal and it's pretty amazing how much it picks up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Man, those rainbow's are like a couple grand if I remember..... I have the Dyson Animal and it's pretty amazing how much it picks up.
I agree 100% ..... the Dyson Animal is a super vacuum!

Great for picking up pet hair also.


Active Member
We had just got a brand new $$$ Kirby, other half swore that it was the best yada yada, I hated the stupid thing, we even had crazy arguments over that Kirby, piece of junk...Anyway, I decided to buy the Dyson and deal with the fallout..We vaccumed the entire house with the Kirby (all carpet with 3 dogs) used a brandnew bag and it was half full when we finished. Then I broke out the new dyson and re-vaccumed the house and it sucked up almost an enire canister of pet hair and dust, needless to say I proved my point.


my aunt and uncle bought a rainbow and just bragged about it all the time at first. Now after a couple of years I have heard them say several times that they wish they had just bought a normal vacuum.
They didn't really give an explaination.


Active Member
They are good but its a PITA dumping and filling the water every time, also they are expensive as heck.


Active Member
Can't you just fill up a wet/dry vac half full with water and then vaccume the house and it would be the same as a using a "rainbow" or rather the poor mans rainbow or "Ghetto Vac"?