It's been a little while, so I thought I would put a 2 month mark update and take some new photos. I love the tank, and I love the hobby so much already. I wish the frags would grow a little faster, that's probably my only complaint. All of my water tests have been good lately, and I raised my salinity from 1.021 to 1.024 recently. I love our emerald crabs, hermits, and snails, all are fun to watch. The corals are wonderful too, but I wish the Chromis were a little less shy. Anyway, here are some new photos. In 2-3 weeks I will be going to my LFS and bringing home 5 more Nassarius Snails, A pair of percula clownfish, and a toadstool leather frag for them to hopefully host with. Other future additions include a red sea prizm skimmer later this month, a pair of cleaner shrimp, a few more hermits and mexican turbo snails, a lawnmower blenny, and maybe a small tang or two (tang police: my 75 gallon tank will be upgraded to a 125+ in 18 months or so).