Raising calcium - best methods?


I want to raise my calcium, what are the best/safest method of doing this?
Here is my tests results i just did them.
SG- 1.024
Temp - 80
PH - 8.0 ( Lights just came on a little bit ago )
Ammonia - 0 to .25 hard to read this test
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
Phosphate - 0
Alk - 9dkh
Calcium - 360


Active Member
360 isn't too bad...You might try some of the Ca builders they sell at your LFS. I always thought Turbo Ca from Kent worked pretty well.


I have some IO reef crystals comming that i ordered online, should i do a water change with it and see where my calcium is first?


Kalkwasser I believe aws well as many others is the best form of calcium and it really heps keep cal / ph etc in line and maintained at a steady level


Active Member
Water changes is always good. Test your magnesium to make sure that's not an issue then get some turbo calcium by kent and use it to raise the calcium.
Using kalk or other balanced solutions will not correct the imbalance, kalk provides calcium as well as alkalinity so both would be maintained and the imbalanced would remain.


Active Member
purple up does a GREAT job.
dose once a day ...and you'll be around 390/400
i dont have to dose anymore because i have an ecosystem and my CA stays around 410/415
the miracle mud is AMAZING


Well, since it hasn't been mentioned yet... If your mag is OK of course,
I use ESV's 2 part b-ionic...