Raising Calcium


My first post...hi everyone. Here's the deal:
Tank is nearly 6 months going. So far, so good... no deaths since couple were sacrificed to cycle. I've just recently introduced corals. Can't seem to get calcium above 340ish. Tried Liq Calc and Turbo calc along with buffer. Good news is that it doesn't seem to go much lower than this.
Welcome your suggestions.
ph 8.2, 79 degrees, 0 ammo, 0 trates, 0 trites, 1.022 salinity
58g Oceanic
Wet/Dry Bio, Eheim Mech, Prec Marine Skimmer


What salt do you use? Ive heard that the best is Tropic Marine has the most Calcium out of all the brands! IF you use this salt and do regular water changes you should be able to get it to what you are looking for. Dont stop the supplements though, they always help.


New Member
I am currently having the same problem. I have a 100g reef that is about 7 months old, about a month and a half ago, the calcium feel to 320, And I have been fighting with it ever since to raise it. I have been doing 25% water changes weekly, I was dripping kalkwasser for a month, and adding liquid calcium, and still didnt raise it. I have since stopped dripping kalkwasser, and stopped adding liquid calcium. A week ago I began dosing my tank daily Kent Marine TechAB Both A and B, and have continued with the water changes on a weekly basis, my calcium is up to about 400, and rising.
I have read that this product will raise calcium, and in my experience with it so far is that it seems to be working! 30ppm up in a week. :)


I'm using Instant Ocean for salt. 5-10% water changes weekly. Will try the Kent Marine Tech AB - thanks.
How long before low calcium has neg effects on corals? They look ok so far, and its been a month or so.


I have also heard its common for Ca to not go above 300 or so if your tank is low on Magnesium. I'm having the same problem. I'm stuck at around 300. I'm goign to try and test for the Magnesium next. I'm not certain of hte validity of this information, but it came from a rather reliable source. Just thought I would share.


What is Tech CB or Tech A & B? Also, can I add Magnesium blind? Without testing? Is it VERY IMPORTANT to the tank? I add Iodine per bottle instructions.


To raise calium levels I found it is best to use a concentrated version like Kents Turbo Calcium. Other wise I was dumping in like half a bottle to get the desired affect.
Fishie: As you raise the calcium the alk will drop. Raise it after the calcium stabablizes to help counter the tug-of-war. Adding the buffer could be counter productive.
FYI one gallon of saturated kalk raises the Ca by 8 ppm in a 100 gallon tank. So factor in the consumption of calcium while dripping it and it makes it very hard to raise the levels. Raises alk by 0.4 meq/L.