Raising heat to cure ICH?


When I first started this hobby I had a small ICH outbreak and somebody told me to raise the temp to like 85-89 degrees to speed up the life cycle of the parasite. This actually worked within a couple days and I havent had a problem since.
Right now I put my new pearlscale butterfly in QT and it looks like he got an outbreak. this morning he had a few dots only and by this afternoon he was covered in a lot more. I gave him a freshwater dip and started the hyosalinity process. I was just wondering if raising the temp would be a good idea or not.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
The only reason one would raise the temp of their tank would be in hopes of increasing the speed of the life cycle of ick. It is in of itself not a method of eradication only a way of getting the ich parasites to evolve into a stage of its life cycle faster where Hypo or copper will brake that cycle


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
The only reason one would raise the temp of their tank would be in hopes of increasing the speed of the life cycle of ick. It is in of itself not a method of eradication only a way of getting the ich parasites to evolve into a stage of its life cycle faster where Hypo or copper will brake that cycle

Warmer temps also make the fish happier so it is less stressed and able to fight off the parasite.
Warm temps do nohing to get rid of ich. O nd 89 is too high, 82-84 and it depends on the type of fish. Mine was a hippo tang that liked the 82-84


yeah thats what i thought. I was just wondering if I should raise the temp of the QT while I do the hypo thing to speed it up a little. The poor fish had tons of dots yesterday and this morning he seems to have a little less and is breathing kinda hard since yesterday.


Originally Posted by Flower

Warmer temps also make the fish happier so it is less stressed and able to fight off the parasite.
Warm temps do nohing to get rid of ich.
what temp would you recommend? current is 82F


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by raf
yeah thats what i thought. I was just wondering if I should raise the temp of the QT while I do the hypo thing to speed it up a little. The poor fish had tons of dots yesterday and this morning he seems to have a little less and is breathing kinda hard since yesterday.

The spots on the body are just itchy, but it is gills that are infected and kill the fish...if it is breathing stressed it is in trouble spots or not. In a QT check ammonia as well, things can go bad fast.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Stressed respiration when ick is involved is a sign of impacted gills. If it was my fish I would give it another fresh water dip even though I would be adding to the stress the fish was already going through


raising the temp works in fresh water. I dont know about salt. Freshwater ich can only live up to a certain temp, and after keeping my cichlid tank at 93 deg. farenheit for 3 weeks i have had no sign.
I defintately would not use this method in a saltwater tank though.


turns out it has something else also. the ich went away but its losing color and i can see kinda like a bloody spot under the scales. almost looks like a fresh bruise but its alone in the tank. still breathing fast.


Originally Posted by raf
turns out it has something else also. the ich went away but its losing color and i can see kinda like a bloody spot under the scales. almost looks like a fresh bruise but its alone in the tank. still breathing fast.
Have you looked at the pics in this section? Sounds like it could be bacterial YOU would really need to QT it to treat it


Originally Posted by meowzer
Have you looked at the pics in this section? Sounds like it could be bacterial YOU would really need to QT it to treat it
it has been in QT since yesterday with copper treatment. ICH got better but red spots got worse.


Active Member
I would not raise my temperature in a situation where a fish has ich.... espeically where they are showing signs of laboured gilling.
At high temps, the amount of available oxygen is much lower. It drops dramatically more the higher you go into the 80s. On a good day some fish tolerate temps over 80 well.... on a ichy day it can kill your fish.
High temps do not make all fish "happy". Higher temps would stress my fish, so such a blanket statement is untrue.


Originally Posted by raf
it has been in QT since yesterday with copper treatment. ICH got better but red spots got worse.

thats whats happens when treating with copper, infections tend to get worse. Sounds like this fish needs some maracyn two for saltwater fish, with hypo salinity treatment.


fish didnt make it. it had some kind of larvae or worm coming out of one of its gills when it .