raising peppermint shrimp


ive got two peppermint shrimp with eggs and just wondering if anyone has been succesful raising the eggs to adults. if so any info you could give me or places to find it would be appreciated thanks

bang guy

It can be done.
Start with April Kirkendoll's book How To Raise & Train Your Peppermint Shrimp.
That'll get you started.


Active Member
Bang... you can train them? To do what? Sit and stay? :D No, seriously, though, this is interesting. Because I have had peppermints come up and eat out of my hand. And if they can do more, that would rock. :cool:

bang guy

You've pretty much exausted their repertoir. Sometimes you can also train them to dance upside down on the water surface.
;) :D


Active Member
:eek: I'm going to put like 100 of them in my tank now! Well, no. Not that many. But even though they're limited, it's good to know all peppermints do that. It's just another thing to awe people with when they see the tank and don't know much about saltwater. :D