Raising Salt Levels?


Active Member
I would like to raise my salinity a little, Im at 1022 like to be at 1025, since I dont change water I must lose a little to salt creep,
how much can I add with out disturbing the corals and critters too much?

nm reef

Active Member
To fgine tune my specific gravity I use pre-mixed salt water that I prepare for water changes. I first get the specific gravity in the new water where I want the display to be(works to either raise or lower the SG)...then I use the saltwater for daily topoff until the specific gravity measures where I want it in the dispaly. To lower the SG you just need to physically remove 1 gal from the display for each gal added until the SG lowers. Does that make sense? All I know is it works for me ...I keep the reef at 1.024-1.025 consistently.:cool:

bang guy

a little over 1/2 a cup. You don't need to be precise if you're just using it for topoff to up you S.g.


Hey there, Is there any specific reason for your discission to bump up your SG? I keep mine at 1.022. Hate to change a good thing, but many others keep sps at 1.024. I might be time to reconsider my tanks parameters, considering Florida skies does put some water into the tank. Any thoughts? Thanks Steve

bang guy

Go to the beach... test the salinity of the water there.
What better reason to raise your salinity could there be?


Active Member
My thoughts are whatever works for you stay with it,
the only reason I want to raise my SG is that I started at 1025 then it dropped to 1022, probably due to salt creep,and when I clean my skimmer and sump, I just want to maintain the level I was at, I know the fish dont mind it , but the corals seem to be happier