raleigh area


New Member
there is a rly nice marine fs in raleigh lol but im useless cant tell you what street its on but all i know is that there is a chuckie cheese right above it so find the cheese and get the store...


The ones I have some knowledge of....
In Garner...
- Down Under Saltwater Fish and Corals (Hwy70) - Nice shop, only deal with saltwater. got my Potter Angel and Blue Sided Wrasse from here.
- Neil Isaacs Aquatica (Hwy42) - Never been here but spoke to Neil on the phone. Very knowledgeable. One day will make it out that way.
In Raleigh
Fish Pros (Hillsborough/Western blvd) - Dirty store/tanks with limited saltwater selection.
Fish World (2205 Westinghouse Boulevard) - Great selection of fish, corals and inverts.
Originally Posted by Grennan
The ones I have some knowledge of....
In Garner...
- Down Under Saltwater Fish and Corals (Hwy70) - Nice shop, only deal with saltwater. got my Potter Angel and Blue Sided Wrasse from here.
- Neil Isaacs Aquatica (Hwy42) - Never been here but spoke to Neil on the phone. Very knowledgeable. One day will make it out that way.
In Raleigh
Fish Pros (Hillsborough/Western blvd) - Dirty store/tanks with limited saltwater selection.
Fish World (2205 Westinghouse Boulevard) - Great selection of fish, corals and inverts.
I searched and searched for SW fish stores and i have been to all of these... i would denfinitely recommend Down Under saltwater. Very clean, never a dead fish in the tank, great corals also. I drive 30 mins to go there.

nc saltfan

New Member
Reef Keepers Aquarium in Clayton off Old US Hwy 70 West is a great shop for corals and fish. They have a really nice setup. Last time i was there they had a shark pond too. The second best is probably Triangle Tropicals in Durham. They have a good selection of equipment and fish and there prices are probably the best. Aquacade off 540 by triagletown center is a pretty basic shop but they still have good live stock. I would definitely stay away from fish pro's. And if your looking for somewhere to get some rare corals at a whole sale price go to reef science. They great prices on some really rare corals. You'll need to send an e-mail to the owner to set up an appointment to meet him at his shop. He does most of his sales through his website but his shop is located in north west Raleigh. I can send you the website addresses for most of these shops if you want.


New Member
i would like to thank all those that replied. i will say that i took a small road trip yesterday to down under in garner nice shop deffinitely worth the drive. bout an hour for me, but i was impressed.and again thanks...