random question about lighting


New Member
So this 29 gallon that I have is only 12 inches from surface to sand so would 65w 50/50 bulb be enough to run that tank for a while? Oh it is CF. Last time I used it things were going pretty well.


Active Member
That depends on what you have in the tank. What sort of livestock (particularly inverts) do you have?


New Member
I dont have anything right now. I used to have clowns, damsels, pink tip, CUC, sally light foot, sand sifting star.


Active Member
If you are planning on keeping a reef, it seems like the simplest solution to just wait until you get the lighting system you really want before you add photosynthetic livestock.


New Member
What I am doing is I have this tank now which I want to start. I plan on buying a larger tank 75+gal which I will buy after I have better lighting MH. I will then use this 29 gal as a sump/fuge. I do not plan any corals in this 29 gal. I have never done corals before and do not want to kill anything.


Active Member
You could probably keep some regular mushrooms under the PC lamp if you wanted to. Should be enough light for the fish, they don't need that much.


Active Member
If just fish and snails crabs etc. yes the lighting you have will be fine.
If you end up wanting to put any coral in this tank with this light you will be limited in what you can add that will not require better lighting.