Random Questions


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Ever think of a random question and think about posting it, but realize that it's not substantial enough to have its own thread? Ask OR answer here.
What does everyone wear on their feet as they wonder around the house?


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
Ever think of a random question and think about posting it, but realize that it's not substantial enough to have its own thread? Ask OR answer here.
What does everyone wear on their feet as they wonder around the house?
LOL I always see these posts of yours and laugh.. but I feel the need to say... that I really believe you need a day job...

LOL jk jk Im just fooling no offense intended I just see random questions posted by you and laugh....

And for the record my shoes come off the minute I am inside my house, as long as there is nothing to do. I always wear socks, no shoes around my house.

tx reef

Active Member
As soon as I got my own place, I quit wearing anything at home. When I get home from work, the first thing I do is take off all clothes.
It took my wife a little while to get used to me being

all the time....

I know you only asked about shoes, but I felt the need to paint the whole picture.........
Anyone else ditch their clothes when home?


Active Member
if we built a smokestack that was 120 miles high (beyond the troposphere), and we opened the hatch down here on earth, would all our air be sucked out?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
As soon as I got my own place, I quit wearing anything at home. When I get home from work, the first thing I do is take off all clothes.
It took my wife a little while to get used to me being

all the time....

I know you only asked about shoes, but I felt the need to paint the whole picture.........
Anyone else ditch their clothes when home?
Not with a 5 yr old running around no... that would be awkward...


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Not with a 5 yr old running around no... that would be awkward...
heck, i'm uncomfey getting undressed infront of the 1.5 month...specially when i'm by myself or wifey is sleeping and i wanna take a shower--i put her facing the opposite way in her bouncy seat LOL


I never ever ditch the clothes, except during hygiene mantainance, lol.
Feet? socks/shoes as much as possible. Keeps my tootsies all nice and soft.
My random question is...
Do you think "they" are researching for a soundproof toilet?? Cause the rest areas could really benefit.
oh and...
If we can send a man to the moon, have the organizational skills for an entire army... How come we can't figure out how to put traffic lights in some kind of convenient order for the heavily traveled roads?


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
why do most "weird" foods end up tasting like chicken?
turtle tastes like roast beef.

Maybe they all evolved from a chicken...hmmm


Active Member
Same distance, it's not like the sponges cause the bottoms of those deepwater trenches to be any higher then there really are.


Active Member
follow this logic:
we live in our house.
our house lives on earth.
earth lives in the universe.
the universe was created by the "big bang"- something exploded (lets say a ball of matter) and the universe was created.
following the logic above, what was this ball of matter living in when it exploded?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
right, but would the water level be higher?
Simple science law. Two subjects of matter can not occupy the same space. It will look like a sponge holds more water then its area, but it's an illusion. So the ocean would drop a tad, the % of all the matter of the sponges.
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
If you choke a smurf what color do they turn?
x2 Purple, blue smurf + red choking action = purple

Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE

follow this logic:
we live in our house.
our house lives on earth.
earth lives in the universe.
the universe was created by the "big bang"- something exploded (lets say a ball of matter) and the universe was created.
following the logic above, what was this ball of matter living in when it exploded?
No, electrical forces were created and they 'sparked' things to life. Much like your modern day Frakenstein.

clown boy

Active Member
Wow, I haven't been on this forum in a while...

Here's one: Why are public schools teaching parts of the Koran in California, but any references to Christianity are not allowed?