Random Thougt


my way I think you are rude and if you didn't have anything nice to say why did you talk?
Very nice thread. ( random conversation) :joy:


Originally Posted by psusocr1
i know you CANNOT be serious trying to jump on the "whats your point" bandwagon from recent months post from you
YES i am saying its partially the LFS fault for not asking questions such as
what size tank do you have?
do you know how big these fish get?
do you know the potential problems with these fish and how to correct them if they happen?
im actually pretty sick of LFS's just trying to make a buck off of people, if they actually cared about animals and their well bieng they wouldnt let people come in their store and put a panther grouper in a 55 gallon tank or a shark in a 125 etc. Further more selling species that grow a few FEET in length, just cause their juvi's or hatchling's at the present time!
If you want to use the dog example then Yes you dont assume a great dane puppy will stay that size because EVERYONE has heard how big a great dane will get, but what if you never heard of the breed? i have a neapolitan mastiff that i bought as a puppy at 26 pounds,, he is only a year and a half old and weighs 195 already, alot of people wouldnt know that unless they were informed of the breed now would they? YET when buying a dog EVERYONE knows how big they will get so why is it different with fish?
Thats my point.

i was talking about susieq i didnt under stand their point i under stand your point very clearly sorry to make it sound like i was talking about your thread

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by kronnk7
my way I think you are rude and if you didn't have anything nice to say why did you talk?
Very nice thread. ( random conversation) :joy:
And who was I rude to? I did'nt say any thing bad about anyone here. I'm sorry you saw it that way. I simply stated my opinion on this subject.

nm reef

Active Member
I've seen no indication of anybody being rude....the topic left a wide open area for comment and discussion....and I've seen nothing out of line. In this hobby knowledge is vital to success. For the beginner its vital to know how to cycle a system from there we move on to livestock selections....filtration options...circulation possibilities....the list of options is endless. Even for advanced hobbyists there is reserach to do and knowledge to gain. This process should be done on an individual basis and if any person wanting to keep a marine system were to depend solely on their LFS for advice I personally feel that is a major mistake....for one they are established to make a sell...for another there are numerous sources for information other than a LFS and to refuse to seek them out is .... well.....a mistake that the responsibility for lies directly on the individual.

One of the most absurd situations I see on a regular basis is the old.....I bought this baby whale for my shark filled 29 gal tank 'cause my LFS said it was a kewl thing to do.....but I can't understand why they fight and why none of them can swim.

There is a popular comedian that has the following line...."You can't fix stupid"
...and it is my personal opinion that many "stupid" things have been done basically because individuals have failed to take the time to gain knowledge about the marine environment they hope to create.


Originally Posted by PFitz44
I think there is no point to this thread... hence the "Random thought" title....


my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by NM reef
I've seen no indication of anybody being rude....the topic left a wide open area for comment and discussion....and I've seen nothing out of line. In this hobby knowledge is vital to success. For the beginner its vital to know how to cycle a system from there we move on to livestock selections....filtration options...circulation possibilities....the list of options is endless. Even for advanced hobbyists there is reserach to do and knowledge to gain. This process should be done on an individual basis and if any person wanting to keep a marine system were to depend solely on their LFS for advice I personally feel that is a major mistake....for one they are established to make a sell...for another there are numerous sources for information other than a LFS and to refuse to seek them out is .... well.....a mistake that the responsibility for lies directly on the individual.

One of the most absurd situations I see on a regular basis is the old.....I bought this baby whale for my shark filled 29 gal tank 'cause my LFS said it was a kewl thing to do.....but I can't understand why they fight and why none of them can swim.

There is a popular comedian that has the following line...."You can't fix stupid"
...and it is my personal opinion that many "stupid" things have been done basically because individuals have failed to take the time to gain knowledge about the marine environment they hope to create.

I've said this before and I will say it again. Try to get to know the people at your LFS. If you are not just another customer, there is much less of a chance of you being "Just a source of income" to them. There is not much loyalty between shop owners and customers, but if you are loyal to your LFS and show them that, chances are you will never be taken advantage of. In fact you will get some great advice and deals. Now I have seen my share of stores that have given bad advice all in the name of profit. I have even gone so far as to tell the customer the proper advice in front of the "salesman" employee. I have done this knowing I might very well not be welcome back in that store, but if that's how they treat their customers I don't need to give them my business as they don't deserve it.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
see i think this thread isnt pointless and is getting everyones opinions on what they think

See that, I was wrong afer all.


Someone should invent something like an id card for marine hobbyists. When you go to the lfs to purchase something your id card has all your tank info. stored on it. They just swipe your card and if it says :John Doe: 30 Gallon Aquarium,Blue Gravel,Blacklights and glow in the dark plants: Then Bingo Bango! No hippo tang, card declined.


mmmmmmmm, that would be very helpful maybe one day they will make them i sure hope so because people are getting 8 hundred small fish for a 10 gallon tank


I like this Thread, It makes people think about what they are actually doing!
I have personally stopped people from buying in the LFS , I asked how big is your tank, how old is it, what kind of lighting! I only did this because the LFS did not!
What bothers me is that, there are alot of folks that setup a tank with the idea that it's going to be fast and easy to do! I think they figure it's just like keeping a fresh water tank! Even though you tell them it's alot of work to keep things healthy, they just have it in their heads ( My kids want a NEMO, so i am going to setup a SWT!)

my way

Active Member
The problem is that the people who need to do the research before buying are the people who can't be bothered to do so, therefore this thread is really just a way to vent our frustrations on the situation. Now if you could print this thread and post it on every tank in every store, you might be able to make a difference. Unfortunately many people will disregard the advice anyway.


Sorry My Way I jumped the gun a little. I just think this a very good thread, like you said it's a way for someone to vent a little. I also was taken by lfs when I first started out. I didn't have the resources to do much research then. The tank id card is a great idea! I agree that swt are some what difficult to keep healthy but boy oh boy doesn't pay off big in the end.


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
The problem is that the people who need to do the research before buying are the people who can't be bothered to do so, therefore this thread is really just a way to vent our frustrations on the situation. Now if you could print this thread and post it on every tank in every store, you might be able to make a difference. Unfortunately many people will disregard the advice anyway.
Either that or post a ful size picture of the fish on the tank so people know what they are getting into because they are too lazy to research


Active Member
i like that idea! or just print otu their stats liek on most fish sights! and put it on the tank for people to see!


I saw a yellow tang that was really tiny at my lfs the other day. Oh another one is a domino damselfish, they have tons of damsels in a tank, and they have some dominos in there too that are about an inch some a little smaller. But if you walk alittle further they have a huge domino damsel in another tank, he was about 4-5 inches I would say.