Originally Posted by
i know you CANNOT be serious trying to jump on the "whats your point" bandwagon from recent months post from you
YES i am saying its partially the LFS fault for not asking questions such as
what size tank do you have?
do you know how big these fish get?
do you know the potential problems with these fish and how to correct them if they happen?
im actually pretty sick of LFS's just trying to make a buck off of people, if they actually cared about animals and their well bieng they wouldnt let people come in their store and put a panther grouper in a 55 gallon tank or a shark in a 125 etc. Further more selling species that grow a few FEET in length, just cause their juvi's or hatchling's at the present time!
If you want to use the dog example then Yes you dont assume a great dane puppy will stay that size because EVERYONE has heard how big a great dane will get, but what if you never heard of the breed? i have a neapolitan mastiff that i bought as a puppy at 26 pounds,, he is only a year and a half old and weighs 195 already, alot of people wouldnt know that unless they were informed of the breed now would they? YET when buying a dog EVERYONE knows how big they will get so why is it different with fish?
Thats my point.
i was talking about susieq i didnt under stand their point i under stand your point very clearly sorry to make it sound like i was talking about your thread