Random White Spots


Active Member
Over the last week, ive been seeing random white spots on my fish. I thought it may just be sand but it didn't look like it. Its usually gone overnight, maybe the cleaner shrimps if cleaning them. When its on their fins you can slightly see through them. My CBA had 3 spots on him one on each fin and one on the dorsal and they were gone this morning.
Everything seems healthy and eating well, should I worry. Im thinking about adding Zoe to their food and raising the tank to about 84 degrees for a few weeks.

tank a holic

Active Member
better get a pic.....
it could be ich

IMO the temp is too high..... but its on the high side of ok
without a pic it is hard to tell what it is


Active Member
Doesn't sound like Ich to me either.
My tank is normally kept at 78-80 degrees. I am raising it to 84 to improve their immune system incombination with the Zoe.
It hasn't appeared on them in a couple days now. So hopefully it was sand or something. Ill take a picture next time it happens. Did a 20% WC yesterday so hopefully that helps.
Ill keep you posted.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I am not all that convinced that raising the temperature would improve a fish’s immune system. It will though increase the fish’s metabolism. Thus requiring more oxygen rich water. IMO you must raise the temp slowly and again IMO you are on the fringe of exceeding a safe temp at 84 so monitor closely for signs of stress

go fish

New Member
I'm totally new at this, but I read somewhere when the tank lights first come on, the spots can appear. I've had a few of my fish that have had small white spots on them but within an hour of the light being on, they disappear, so maybe that's the case?...just my 1 cent...started my tank in May so I have a lot to learn to say the least, but I haven't had any major issues b/c of it, (ok, I'm now knocking on wood, LOL)


What size are the spots and what do they look like? Ae they flat against the fins and/or body or are they raised? Does it look like a blotch or a faded spot?