Rare or Uncommon Corals


Hey guys,
I want to set up a list of rare/uncommon corals...based on color according to species. List please :)
As far as I know...I think true blue zoanthids and true red zoanthids...or according to Bang, Pink Ricordias.

P.S. I keep looking everywhere for more information on this and can't find it, figured I'd ask fellow reefers and make my own list...please help! And with all these merchants claiming their stuff is rare, I don't know who to believe.


Active Member
Sorry I don't know the scientific names of all these, but just a few I know off...
Purple bonsia (acropora sp. I think)
Red Yuma
Blue polyp, green base monti cap
Red Polyp blue/purple base monti danae
Blue Oregon tort
Purple tongan bulls-eye mushrooms
Tyree Green polyp, brown base, toadstool leather
Orange clove polyps
Solomon Island Neon Grn Clove Polyps
Blue Hammer coral
Blue Torch
Blue anthelia/xenia
Tyree Purple Monster
Acanthastrea lordhowensis
And basically some more of the corals with "Tyree" in front of it. :)


Active Member
There are a few rare zoanthids. Purple People Eaters, Safecracker Reds, Purple Hearted Emeralds, Orange People Eaters. There are quite a few other color varieties that are rare but are not as desirable or do not have a common name.


Active Member

Originally posted by FLATZBOY
Lend sy cap:D

Most likely extinct in captivity. There was a thread on another *big* forum (hint hint) about this with Steve Tyree chiming in. He apparently knows of no person that was given a peice of the Leng Sy cap and has it still living. He has found a few other purple rim caps that show very similar characteristicts, but all have some degree of difference from the original Leng Sy cap.