Rare Premium Zoos / Palys


Active Member
You can combine with items from my other listing (blue tubs, sunbursts, jokers, kryptonite, etc).


good your online we need a chat room on here. anywhow your getting them from overseas overnight? are they fragged on tiles or loose with little rock
and last but not least can you observe them for a few days to make sure all is well before you send them or do I have to pay up front


Active Member
I was just viewing the website that those exact polyps are sold and those exact pics. They are out of Ontario Canada. Sounds like you are getting taken by that company because if you go to the site the polyps are all less then what you say they are selling them to you for. I have the site bookmarked if you want me to PM it to you. You will see the prices on each. If you are placing a big order it seems they would give you a better price then what they list, not charge you more. Check the site prices out and ask them why they are charging you more.


Active Member
markeo99, I'd prefer to settle up this weekend, but I'm willing to hold them for a couple days and make sure what I send you is in good shape.
ClownFiSH11, can you give me polyp counts on each and which shipping method you'd prefer?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
I was just viewing the website that those exact polyps are sold and those exact pics. They are out of Ontario Canada. Sounds like yo are getting taken by that company because if you go to the site the polyps are all less then what you say they are selling them to you for. I have the site bppkmarked if you want me to PM it to you. You will see the prices on each. If you are placing a big order it seems they would give you a better price then what they list, not charge you more.
yes, please pm me. I hooked up with on another board, didn't realize he even had a site


If we get cheaper in bulk still might be interested in co-op thing if shipping dont eat it up


Active Member
flricordia was right they are cheaper on that site, so I guess you guys should go direct and I should renegotiate. thanks flric
I'll confirm that the price on the site is good for us as well.
frag a lot dot ca


Active Member
It is at the bottom of the last post, just change dot to . and remove spaces. It is a canadian company so it is .ca instead of .com


have you, or has anyone reading this, ordered from them before? seems like great prices depending on shipping charges.
thanks for any info.