Rare Soft Corals?


As some of you know from my earlier post I am starting up my 125 gallon tank this week, and I'm looking for some ideas on corals after my tank has cycled. I was wondering if anyone could give me any ideas on some unique corals I could keep in my tank. I have 4-96 watt PC's, so I am looking for corals that would work in this type of environment. If you could also attach some pictures with your suggestions it would be very helpful. Thanks guys.


Active Member
Cespitularia is one of my favorite rare soft corals. Pretty hard to find and is very sensative to water parameters and even slight changes. I might even say it's harder than keeping some SPS corals.

Another one of my other favorites, the rarest of the rare clove polyps - green w/ orange tips. Bad pic, but in person there is nothing in my tank more green and orange. They're truly a beauty under the halides but will still catch your eye under PCs. I have another green/orange variety but it's much less bright so I cut them out of the pic. :)


Those two corals do look pretty sweet. Are they both types of xenia? Do you know of any place I could purchase these varieties at once my tank has cycled? How expensive are they? Thanks again.


Active Member
The first is called Cespitularia. Same family as xenia, but different genus. It's about $120 for 1" tall. The second is clove polyps. Can go from $10-25 per polyp.
I can't tell you were to get them since it violates forum rules, but simple searches around a few message boards will give you a few sources.


neospongodes. It's a type of carnation coral that is photosynthetic. Very hard to keep alive. Ships and acclimates poorly, but a gorgeous coral if you can get it going..


Active Member
Cespitularia, Viper? Cespitularia? Don't make me open up Boreman.....don't make me open up Borneman......darn, I'm trying to save the spine of the book......page 148.
:scared: :scared: :scared:


Active Member
i dont know how to spell it, like armourdragon zoos or sumthin like that, they go for like $40 per polyp, or neon green nepthia (spelling) i think is kinda rare


Active Member
gah, too bad I don't have Berneman's book. I'll check at work tomorrow.
Armageddon zoos, PPE, safecrackers (the real/original ones), true yellows, blue/orange skirts just to name a few.
Pink/red yumas
Blue anthelia
The green palau nepthea is believed to be extinct in the wild, but captive raised frags can be bought fairly cheap 2" ~ $40.
Here's a pic of a little green-polyp toadstool I had a while ago. It has since died but I got another that's about 3" wide now.


Active Member
whatever cost a lot of money lol
what is cool and rare now used to be not rare and easy to find but its all about supply and demand