rare wrasse pics!


these are some pics of my possum wrasse some are blurry cause he swims pretty fast. i think hes pretty rare because he is one of two ive ever seen in my life. if anyone knows of any other kind of wrasse that will get along with him in my new 30g :joy: please tell me. right now hes in a 10g but on thursday hell go into a 30g
thanks for looking



bump has anyone ever kept a possum wrasse before? ive had great luck by the way i think ive had him for 6 months.


Active Member
They aren't rare, my LFS has them pretty often, sell for about 30 bucks. There are 3 different kinds. The one you have is the most common and is called the whitebanded possum wrasse, Wetmorella albofasciata. You want to keep other non-agressive fishes with him. In a 29 gallon I'd go with something like a firefish or a watchman goby.


Active Member
I think they're extremely cute little fish.
I've wanted one for quite a long time, but dont want to set up a small tank for it.


i've never seen this guy in my life.....can't find him online either.....i finally found him in some wrasse only book....he is a candy wrasse or a small tail wrasse but mine is from the great reef down under.....let me know....he has more redish on top thne what the pic shows....he is awesome....

this is a new guinea wrasse never seen him in a store either.....