

This morning I woke up and found that one of my zoos was knocked over. I washed my hands then went down into the tank and pick it up and put it where it goes. Then I washed my hands again. About 2 hours later my arm started itching terribly. Now I have a rash, it looked almost like a chemical burn (it burned like hurt too) I washed it when I notiiced it. Anyways. I heard that zoos can be toxic. Could it be a reaction from the zoos. My logic is that I washed my HANDS after I was done and not my arm and it's nowhere else on my bod. just my right arms. Any ideas. -steve


I don't know about zoo's in particular, but it definitely sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to...something. I would suggest you take about 50mg of benadryl and rub some hydrocortisone cream on it. If it's not better after about 6 hours, and is really painful, or swollen, or hot, or is spreading, you may want to call your doctor. I'm gonna go ahead and bet you are going to live.....if you don't, then ignore my advice


Active Member
In the future you may want to use some long gloves when you put your hands in your tank. Several online marine vendors sell them.


Active Member
Its probably just a rash from the salt. Only a certain variety of zoo's are toxic and they release a nerve toxin.


i'm new BUT every time i put my arm in my tank i get by whole arm sore and itchy it is the salt with me i have to wash my arm asap or i get a rash,i usually get my husband to go in the tank because it doesn't effect him..you have never had a reation before???


Active Member
yes i do on my right arm(the only one i stick in the tank
) and im 99.999999999999999 pecent posotive that it is .then again i cant see your arm or feel it. a guy at my lfs has it to. good luck::yes:
**********hint :wear those aqua gloves**********


Duh, I should start looking at my messages before I send them. I only have one right arm :thinking: :nervous: I think :notsure: Thanks everyone. I haven't put my hand back in there and it's getting better. The funny like is that the same zoo is knocked over today. I'll have my brother pick it up.
Thanks for the replys


I think my fish have big partys while I sleep because I'm always waking up to find my zoos or my hammer coral knocked over. It used to be my GSP rock but I have it on a very secure ledge now. In fact, once I had a piece of LR knocked over and it landed on my umbrella mushroom and gave it a nasty wound, but it healed quickly though.
Just another myster of the deep sea I guess.