Rate my bio-load please


Active Member
im not really sure how to rate my bio-load. i have a 125DT w/ 55g sump. not sure if you need specs or just fish or what. but i will post all specs to cover all grounds.
265lbs total of live rock
150-175lbs of total live sand
pritty well stocked with soft coral
only a hand full of different LPS,SPS
ETSS reef devil skimmer
as for fish
8-green chromis
2-engineer gobies (about 10" each, but not very thick)
1-royal gramma
1-flame angel
2-false perc clowns
other than the gobies that arent to fat, all fish are small. i feed moderatly. do bi-weekly 20-25 gallon water changes. so what would you rate my bio-load??
i ask cause im upgrading my skimmer to a Octoextreme200. and want to add some color fish wise. so knowing my bio-load, i can plan accordingly...plus knowing your bio-load is always a plus...!


Active Member
That is a low bioload for that system. I agree with the above poster on the rating. Do you add any supplements like phytoplankton?


Active Member
only supplements i use is coral vite, and essential elements, selcon, vita chem...sorry and aminomega


IMO that is a 2 on a scale of 1-10...chromis are virtually no bioload in comparison to other fish. You could probably triple your stocklist as long as you have a good sump, refugium, skimmer and canister filter. All of your live rock and live sand will almost take care of a larger bioload by itself.