rave child info on skimmer defuser


i read how u replaced the difusser box on the coralife super skimmer ihave the same one i been trying to figure out how to eliminate the box i do get micro bubles in tank sometimes it usally takes care off itsself were did u get the pad u used instead off box ive tried a few diffrent things nothing worked to goodd i would apricaiate some info if possible im going to try the part u used thanks


Unfortunatly it wasn't me that modified the bubble trap. It was chipmaker in this thread that made the suggestion.
I was interested in this as well, but I have decided to upgrade to a larger drilled tank and will then house my skimmer in the sump, so I shouldn't need to modify my skimmer anymore.
I'm sure if you ask him, he will help you out with this.
hth :jumping: