Raw or Cured LR??

Ok I know that if your puuting Lr into an "running" tank you want to only use "cured" Live Rock, But is it ok to to use "raw" rock when first starting. I'm going to be setting up my 105g with a refugium and a DSB and plan to take most of my LR out of my 58g that has been running for a lil while but am going to need more to fil the 105g I've found "raw" rock that is alot cheaper then the cured stuff. :rolleyes:

got krabs

when you say RAW do you mean uncured? I wouldn't see why you cant as long as you let it cycle before addind corals.if you tank is established you shouldn't add more than 15-20 lbs at a time


Active Member
Your tank will need to cycle anyway. Fill it up with the raw. I would try to take off most of the dead stuff first.
Are you setting up the tank and refug all at once?
I just set up a 100g saturday, and I will set up the refug in the near future.
How big of a refug are you doing?
good luck.
Thank you all for the quick rspones :D
I was planning on setting it all up at once, think I should wait on the refugium??
I've been waiting to have everything ready at once, I got 250# of South Down and 30# of CaribSea Aragamax Oolite (also plan to find some LS to seed) to take care of the DSB, I found a used 48g AGA tank that I "thought" I was going to use for a sump and refugium but know I'm sure I can get it to fit under the stand, it's 4ft long and my stand is a lil under 5ft long inside?!? I also just found out that the "main"pump that came with the setup is not big enough :( So needless to say things have not been going as quickly as I had hoped...


Active Member
I had to move my 55gal and put the 100gal in.
I'm cycling now while the fish are in the 55gal in the basement.I hope it don't take to long. After everything is moved my 55gal will stay in the basement to be my refug.(I had a busy weekend LOL)So I couldn't do it all at once.
You haven't found a seed yet? jeez, YOU MUST BE THE ONLY REEFER IN NH!! :D :eek:
good luck