Raw shrimp question


I am a newbie to this hobby. I am really likeing it so far. I was told that if u put a raw shrimp in ur tank, it woul somewhat speed up the cycle by creating bacteria to grow. It has been in there for two days and want to know when 2 take it out. Today I noticed that my water is begging to smell a bit. Is this normal? THanks for the help.


It can be removed as soon as you see a large ammonia spike (usually 3-4 days). Or you can leave it in there and it will disintegrate.
Either way, running some carbon in your filter should tame the odor.


Active Member
As said above, once you notice the ammonia spike, you can remove it. You do have the test kits right? The smell is normal.


I don't have a test kit. I will consider getting one soon. I am going to test my water for the first time tuesday at my LFS.


BTW is a test kit that tests nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, and pH good? Also is $30 a good deal? thanks
P.S. :help: I feel kinda stupid...... are test kits hard to read?


Active Member
That's basically what you want in a test kit, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and ph. I'm not sure about price as there are many brands of test kits out there with varying prices. You are right, some kits are harder to read that others, so ask for opinion before buying. I like Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.