Raw Shrimp- Respond Fast PLZ


My Son is about to go to price chopper to get a dead raw shrimp to cycle my tank with. How many raw dead shrimp should he get for 125g

bang guy

One should do it.
Just plain old fish food and some live rock works a whole lot better than a stinky old shrimp in my opinion.


Active Member
A couple of medium size should be fine. How much rock do you have in the tank? Is it cured? If you've just started and added cured live rock, directly from a fish store, you don't even need the raw shrimp step. If it's uncured rock, you don't need the shrimp cuz as the rock cures you build enough bacteria. Long story short, if you have much rock, I'd skip the step. If you don't and want to cycle the tank for fish only, then a couple shout do.
Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
One should do it.
Just plain old fish food and some live rock works a whole lot better than a stinky old shrimp in my opinion.
I agree 110% with bang on this. Why put a rotting shrimp in your tank? Do people like the smell of dead rotting things? I prefer the natural way get some live sand live rock and ghost feed
either way will take the same amount of time if you get cured rock it will go faster JMO


Active Member
Well if yu have any live rock at all in that tank then do not use any shrimp. Let the tank cycles with live rock and sand and keep the dead critters out. Yur live rock will do much better overall, and its nonesense in the theory that if the spike is not high enough there will be insufficient bacteria built up. Its hogwash.......Now if you like a cess pool with dead stinking nasty shrimp in it thats fine, but odds are just live rockand sand and go for it is sufficieint, and it wil be ready a lot quicker and be just as stabil if not more so.