Ray ?


Active Member
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone knew a minimum/recomended size tank for a ray. I know my 90 is way too small but we are currently looking to build and I am trying to get a 300-400 gal tank built in. Anyone know if they are reef safe/compatability?


The size of the tank depends upon the type of ray. A yellow or cali ray can live in a 100 - 125 minimum IMO, as long as the tank is 6 ft long and there is minimal aquascaping. (Some people may disagree and suggest larger) Probably not good in a reef because of all of the open space that is required. Also, if you get an active one, they can be very disruptive to corals/inverts. They may eat shrimps or crabs. They do have great personalities, though. Mine has started to eat from my hand. :happy:
Blue spot rays get larger and need some more space... I'd guess about 180 gallons or more.