rbaby cube (1 month update:img ext)


Hey guys,
It's been a month since I last moved my 12g to the new cube (see thread: https://www.saltwaterfish.com/vb/show...ighlight=rbaby)...it's doing great right now and I decided to play with pics...
Current Stock List:
. 2 Ricordias
. 1 Safecracker Zoos
. 1 Pink Zoos
. 1 Purple/Red Favia
. 1 Coco Worm
. 1 Red Pimple Mushroom
. 3 Small Frags of Hammer (was 1 but fragged to 3 for selling--he's not as puffy in this pic because I just cleaned the tank so he was still a little retracted from the whirlwind the magnum caused--but these heads get VERY puffy, like pom poms).
. 1 Red/Green Acan Lord
. 1 Pastel Acan Lord (mint green and light purple)
. 1 False Perc (Chris)
. 1 Barnacle Blenny (Larnie - lol)
. 2 Astrea Snails
. 1 Scarlet Hermit
. 1 Blue Legged Hermit
. 1 Sexy Shrimp (I might get another)
. 1 Nassarius Snail
My Future Purchases:
. True Blue Xenia
. Purple Acan Lord (coming within the next week or so)
. Candy Cane
. 5-6 more zoo color morphs I enjoy
. More tri-color rics...
. Plate Fungia (still researching on their care)
Here's an updated tank shot:


I also finally dug up my Fuji 6900 camera which I use for print/graphic design. It's 6 megapixels and I started taking some macros:


Tri-color ric (this came from a MH tank...so it wasn't as vibrant as it is becoming now--it is developing more yellows and oranges):


GFK, I am using live sand...it's a finer grade of sand called OOLITE. Look for it in your LFS, if not, let me know and maybe I can ship you one from my LFS. It cost me about $25.00 for a 20lb bag.
ClarkiiClo, Actually yeah...I have 3 people interested in buying in all 3 frags, if any of them back out I will let you know, the hammer is amazingly poofy and healthy.
Thank you everyone for your kind words! I have more corals that I am looking to buy, until then, no updates :).


New Member
i got a question about the photo Actinics, that blue light is really cool, how do you have have that setup? and where do you get them, i think that would be really sweet to put on at night


I have 4 lights that are on separate plugs...1: my 10k's...2: my Actinics, 3: my fuge/sump and 4: my moonlights. My actinics with my 10k's is basically like a 50/50 that isn't compact...it's not recommended as moonlights as your corals really won't have a "night time"...night lights are moonlights, mimicks the moon's light and promotes lunar activity.
My lighting schedule is as follows:
11 p.m. - 11 a.m. = Moonlights
11 a.m. = Actinics go ON
12 p.m. = 10k's go ON
10 p.m. = 10k's go OFF
11 p.m. = Actinics go OFF
My actinics really just help mimick "sunrise" and "sunset"