rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)


I finally set up my cube and transferred over from my craptastik 10 gallon. Took me about 7 hours total to re-acclimate my 2 fishes, 1 sexy shrimp, 2 hermits and my only mushroom lol...will be getting more livestock once I heap over my mini cycle caused by new sand.
This is with all the lights on:


I will eventually get moon lights, getting the replacement powerhead tomorrow or the day after, then going through with my orders of corals....need to get some Chaeto and make a plenum underneath it. Maybe if I get bored, drill a 2nd hole in the 2nd compartment and put another powerhead...also will be setting up the timers today. My schedule will follow as:
11 a.m. - Actinics go on
12 p.m. - 10k's go on
10 p.m. - 10k's go off
11 p.m. - Actinics go off
Moonlights will be on 24/7
It's very bright, and I'm reconsidering swapping out one of the white lights (I believe it's the 7100 that's causing way too much brightness)...I think I want it a little bluer...but it looks great nontheless, so much light and temperature has been stable...you can't imagine how happy my shroom is from his 13watts of POS to this upgrade...he no longer has to stretch his neck out as much as he can to get enough light...poor little guy.
Also have a refugium light in the back...I believe they are 10k's.
P.S. Sorry for the bad pics, will get better ones when I get the other camera.


Hey rbaby! Are you going to make your own moonlights or buy them? I want some for my nano but I don't know where even to begin. We bought a set for our 75g and they're awesome! :D


Clarkii, the temperature has been consistently 78 in my tank after 24 hours of operation.
Dory, yes I am actually considering a cold cathode tube as moonlights...I'm not fond of the "spotlight" look the LED's give...
Lefty: Thank you, I'm not very good at aquascaping but I'm learning :).
I forgot to mention...my first compartment will have carbon and a sponge on top--will also be having the stock pump in there to increase flow without interrupting the flow incoming into the chambers.
2nd chamber will be the chaeto.
3rd chamber is my heater and my ph...I will also probably drill a hole on the side of the 3rd chamber for a little drop top off to come in. I still need to find a stand tall enough for it next to it so that the drip will actually well...drip.


Sure Dare...here's one of the sump...1st chamber is a pump with carbon and sponge...2nd chamber is my chaeto...third is nothing to look at...just heater and 2nd pump.


Got my moonlights...$10 and I'm actually quite happy with it...it's jus attached to the hood of my canopy...the flip-top part and I can adjust its angle and jus pop it off and put it somewhere else...so if I want to highlight a particular coral it's so easy to move...
I wanted to steer away from the spotlight look, but I actually like it because right now it's accenting the "cavern"...plus I also have lots of surface agitation now so it shimmers...the camera doesn't want to capture the overall glow, it's showing it all as black, but in person it's actually much nicer because there is still a slight glow on all the surrounding rocks...can still see it fairly well, just spotlighted.


Active Member
From the picture I can see three T-5 light bulbs, right? What wattage are they? And how much $$$ did it cost you to retrofit all those new bulbs in place?


Hey Viper, I actually got it from a friend who customizes cubes...he does have a website where he sells modified cubes so if anybody is interested please e-mail me: rbaby@softhome.net
As far as price...it was a little hefty, assuming that with that money I could have certainly gotten a bigger tank, but I enjoy my nano and that's the main issue with nanos...it costs more to modify it lol...the tank + modification cost me about $390...well worth it in my opinion...also there are a total of 6 bulbs (excluding refugium which is a 7100 24w)...
1 x 7100
1 x 10k
3 x T5 Actinics which are 10w each
1 x Actinic Blue
The T5's are all 10 watts.